For Sale


The site is strategically located at the gateway to the West Country. Situated on the intersection of the 3 main arterial routes into the West Country; M5/A38 and A30 and A379. Approximately 3 miles south of Exeter City Centre. Exeter is predicted to be the fastest growing city in the UK (Irwin Mitchell - UK City Tracker 2023) and just 900m from the site is Exeter’s city extension of Matford, which comprises approximately 2,500 new homes, a school and various local services. This scheme is well under way with Sovereign Housing, Redrow, Linden and Barratt delivering numerous phases. Closer to the City Centre, the industrial estate at Marsh Barton has been allocated for residential development, placing increasing demand on new modern employment space at West Exe Business Park.


The site extends to approximately 45 acres (18.21 HA) and split into two parcels. SITE A - 12 ACRES (4.86 HA) Outline planning permission (12/0379/MAJ) was granted in May 2013 for up to 17,885sqm of B1c (now Use Class E), B2 and B8 uses. Reserved matters approval (16/00950/MAJ) for these uses was granted in August 2016 and officers confirmed the scheme had been implemented in August 2018. SITE B - 33 ACRES (13.35 HA) Outline planning permission (17/03039/MAJ) was granted in May 2018 for up to 47,112sqm of B1 (now Use Class E), B2 and B8. The permission was subject to a number of phases and no more than 15,704sqm of B1c could be implemented. Reserved matters approval for Phase 1 (19/01619) was granted in January 2020 for 612sqm of B2 and 622sqm of B8 uses. A reserved matters approval for Phases 2-5 (application 23/00788) was granted in November 2023. The application proposes a mixture of 16,153sqm of E(g) (former B1), 14,153sqm of B2 and 15,572 sqm of B8 class uses.


Access to the site will be from a new consented roundabout on the A379 – adjacent to the Peamore Truck Centre.


Under the s106 provision is made for a strip of land to be used by the Highways Agency to connect the A379 directly to the Northbound A38. Southbound connection 2 minutes / 0.5 miles.




Offers are sought for the Whole site Unconditionally. Alternatively the site may be sold as Plot A and B with the purchaser putting in the roundabout and Estate road and servicing the Plots. Consideration may be given to alternative Uses on a subject to planning basis.


Whole: £10.85M Plot A: £4.5m Plot B: £6.35m

IMPORTANT NOTICE: We would like to inform prospective purchasers that these sales particulars have been prepared as a general guide only. They are prepared and issued in good faith and are intended to give a fair description of the property, but do not constitute part of an offer or contract. Any description or information given should not be relied on as a statement or representation of fact that the property or its services are in good condition. Neither Charles Head, nor any of its employees, has any authority to make or give any representation or warranty whatsoever in relation to the property. Floorplans are for guidance purposes only and may not be to scale. The photographs show only certain parts and aspects of the property at the time they were taken. Any reference to alterations to, or use of, any part of the property is not a statement that any regulations or other consent has been obtained. If there are any important matters likely to affect your decision to buy, please contact us before viewing the property. ALL STATEMENTS CONTAINED IN THESE PARTICULARS AS TO THIS PROPERTY ARE MADE WITHOUT RESPONSIBILITY ON THE PART OF CHARLES HEAD.

Key Features

  • 45 Acres (18.21 HA) of consented commercial development land
  • Potential for Supermarket, Hotel, Car Showrooms, 150 Key Worker/Co-Living and Build to Rent/Buy, EV Hub and Health and Well-being uses, subject to planning.
  • Warehouse distribution and a range of mixed, industrial and employment uses
  • Planning consent for approximately 65,000 sqm of mixed-use employment space

Property Details

Property TypeCommercial
PostcodeEX2 9SJ


45 Acres (18.21 ha) of consented commercial development land Potential for Supermarket, Hotel, Car Showrooms, 150 Key Worker and Build to Rent/Buy, ev Hub and Health and Well-being uses, subject to planning.


113 Fore Street
Kingsbridge, Devon

01548 852352

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